2017Lake Baikal
The largest freshwater lake by volume, the deepest lake in the world – one of the wish list.
However sometimes you can get a travel surprise when not expected…
Forest fires!
All the beauty of the lake, its gorgeous sunsets and amazing water views have been occupied by the whole-day smoke, the whole week we’ve been there.
Even our plane trip originally Moscow-Irkutsk has ended up in Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia due to low visibility over the airport.
Maybe it’s a sign to get back here some other time – during clear sky, or ice-cold winter?
Logistics: Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Olkhon Island
Dates: Aug 10-17, 2015
Transport used: Plane, ATV
Lodging: Nabaimar Homestead
Memories: buuz, smoked omul, steppe, ATV rides, bathhouse